Storage Quality of Some Sudanese Mango pulp Concentrates

  • Nawal A. Abdel-Rahman
  • Dena O. M. Ali
  • Abdel Halim R. Ahmed
  • Muna M. Mustafa
Keywords: Mango, concentrate, preservative, organoleptic, shelf-life


This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of storage on the quality of
concentrates of mango cultivars (called Dibsha, Galb Altour, Abu-Samaka, Kitchener and
Shendi1). Mangoes pulp was concentrated at atmospheric pressure in open steam jacketed
kettle. Preserved with potassium metabisulphate, stored at ambient temperature (30±5º C)
and determine the appropriate shelf-life for these products. The concentrates appearance
good physico-chemical properties: TSS%, pH, titratable acidity, reducing and total sugars.
Moreover, best quality attributes to the organoleptic tests: colour, flavor, taste and overall
quality; during 12 months storage.


Author Biographies

Nawal A. Abdel-Rahman

National Food Research Centre, P. O. Box 213, Khartoum North, Sudan

Dena O. M. Ali

National Food Research Centre, P. O. Box 213, Khartoum North, Sudan

Abdel Halim R. Ahmed

National Food Research Centre, P. O. Box 213, Khartoum North, Sudan

Muna M. Mustafa

National Food Research Centre, P. O. Box 213, Khartoum North, Sudan

How to Cite
Abdel-Rahman, N. A., Ali, D. O. M., Ahmed, A. H. R., & Mustafa, M. M. (2016). Storage Quality of Some Sudanese Mango pulp Concentrates. IJRDO - JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE, 2(3), 28-42.