Rising trend of E-Commerce purchase by Indian Youths

  • Aditi Agrawal
Keywords: E-Commerce, Growth in India, Factors influencing the growth, Indian Youth as a customer


As technology continues to grow rapidly, E-Commerce players are adapting newer techniques to
facilitate efficient online selling and buying. More recently, with the introduction of flash sales
and daily deals from various companies, E-Commerce has brought forward technnovation to the
retail sector.
Especially in developing countries like India, E-Commerce is on boom. Many big players are ready
to invest in E-Commerce and are earning huge revenues. The major reason for growth of ECommerce in India is the astronomical population and youth. Youth possess a vital role in the
growth of E-Commerce.
The growth is driven by rapid technology adaptation led by the increasing use of devices such as
smartphones and tablets and access to the internet through broadband 3G etc, which led to an
increased online consumer base.


Author Biography

Aditi Agrawal

Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science
Indore , Madhya Pradesh , India


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How to Cite
Agrawal, A. (2015). Rising trend of E-Commerce purchase by Indian Youths. IJRDO - Journal of Business Management, 1(7), 25-41. https://doi.org/10.53555/bm.v1i7.2279