Customer Loyalty and commitment towards Organizational Growth and Customer Satisfaction

  • Asif Iqbal Awan
  • Yasir Mehmood Raja
  • Mushtaq Ahmed
  • Hafiz Muhammad Fakhar Zaman
Keywords: Customer loyalty, Price fairness, Customer service, Organization growth


Factors affecting customer loyalty have immense weightage in order to identify the reasons or the factors
which are accountable to create loyalty among customers for a fastidious brand.
The purpose of the study is to classify the role of customer loyalty in terms of sustaining continuous
organizational growth in highly competitive Pakistani market and factor affecting customer loyalty and
their impact on organization growth. The most recent and relevant studies contained by the literature
have been included and summated in this paper. All results are based on the overview of previous studies.
The review of previous studies and some research work about the factor affecting customer loyalty and
their impact on organization growth and development. In these researches different service providers
were embattled as the population whereas customer services and Price Fairness were taken as predicting
variables towards criterion variable which is customer’s loyalty. The outcomes conclude that both the
factors considerably contributed to explain customer’s satisfaction and loyalty but relatively price
fairness had the bigger impact on customer loyalty than customer’s services and organizational growth.
Results and implications of the study are also discussed based on the analysis and findings.


Author Biographies

Asif Iqbal Awan

M. Phill Management Sciences, NCBA & E, Sargodha.

Yasir Mehmood Raja

hD Scholar, HIMS, Hamdard University, Islamabad.

Mushtaq Ahmed

PhD Scholar, HIMS, Hamdard University, Islamabad.

Hafiz Muhammad Fakhar Zaman

Faculty Mamber, Management Sciences, NCBA & E, Sargodha.


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How to Cite
Awan, A. I., Raja, Y. M., Ahmed, M., & Zaman, H. M. F. (2015). Customer Loyalty and commitment towards Organizational Growth and Customer Satisfaction. IJRDO - Journal of Applied Management Science, 1(4).